The Central Bank of Brazil (“BACEN”), by circular No. 3.795 of June 16th, 2016 (“Circular”), adjusted the procedures and deadlines regarding the mandatory declaration of Five-year Census of Foreign Capitals.

According with the Circular the companies shall transmit the census until 6p.m. of August 16th, 2021 (“Deadline”), using as base date the period of December 31st, 2020.

The information declared electronically in the Five-yearl Census of Foreign Capital in the Country is compiled by BACEN and disclosed on a consolidated basis, for statistical purposes of the companies’ sectors/activities, maintaining the confidentiality of investors/creditors and investees/debtors. The BACEN may require the declarants, within a period of five years from the date of the declaration, to provide the supporting documentation of the information provided.

The census declarations, in which evidencing false, incomplete, incorrect information or lack to apply in the proper deadline will be subject to the penalties imposed by the rules that regulate the registrations and the census of foreign capital in the Country.


• Legal entities headquartered in the country, with direct participation of non-residents in its share capital, in any amount, on the base date of December 31 of the base year;

• Investment funds with non-resident shareholders, on the base date of December 31 of the base year, through their managers; and

• Legal entities headquartered in the country, with a total debit balance of short-term commercial credits (payable within 360 days) granted by non-residents, in an amount equal to or greater than the equivalent of US $ 1 million, on the base date of December 31 of the year -basic.


• Natural persons;

• Management bodies of the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities;

• Legal entities debtors of external credits granted by institutions based in the Country;

• Non-profit entities held by contributions from non-residents.

The PLBrasil Group’s Foreign Capital teamis available to assist you with the registrations required by the Central Bank of Brazil in the channels below:

+55 (11) 3292-5085

PLBrasil | Map

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