What is Radar?

The Radar (Registration and Tracking of the Performance of Customs Interveners), is the process of enabling companies and individuals to carry out imports and exports.

The qualification process is proof that the company is able to carry out duly legalized import and export processes.

Who can be licensed?

The legislation provides that license may be requested by individuals and legal entities that intend to carry out import and export operations.

Currently, the license for individuals is no longer required. However, the individual can only act in foreign trade in his own name, and only in the following foreign trade operations:

(I.) operations of their professional activities, including as a rural producer, craftsman, artist or similar;

(II.) own use and consumption; and

(III.) personal collections.

What are the modalities of RADAR?

Considering the information regarding the licensing process, the Radar modalities are as follows:


For publicly traded corporations, with shares traded on the stock exchange or on the over-the-counter market, and their wholly-owned subsidiaries, public companies or government-controlled Companies.
The legal entity included in the above cases will be subject to authorization in Siscomex in the Express modality and will not be subject to operating limits.


For companies that wish to start their operations in foreign trade with a limit of $50,000.00 (fifty thousand dollars), or the equivalent in another currency, for imports per semester, and unlimited for exports.
For companies that wish to start their foreign trade operations with a limit of USD 150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand dollars), or the equivalent in another currency, for imports, per semester, and unlimited for exports.


For companies that wish to start their operations in foreign trade above USD 150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand dollars) for imports per semester, and unlimited for exports. For these cases, the company will not be subject to operating limits, either for import or export.

What is Estimate Review?

The Estimate Review is the process in which the importer demonstrates its financial capacity is greater than previously estimated, through proof of gross revenue, employees, among other possibilities.

It is worth remembering that the Federal Revenue system supervises the volume imported by companies up to the pre-established limit, according to their modality. If this value is exceeded, the system may be blocked, and the importer must revise the estimate.

It is recommended that the company request a review before exceeding the limit.

To learn more about Siscomex Radar and learn about the services that PLBrasil gROUP can offer, get in touch with our specialists:

+55 (11) 3292-5050

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