Recently, JUCESP Resolution No. 01/2022, already had its enforceability suspended by JUCESP Resolution No. 02 of 08.31.2022. Now, with the new Normative Administrative Rule JUCESP No. 29/2023, the obligation of “large” limited liability companies, headquartered in the State of São Paulo, to publish their balance sheets and financial statements is definitively excluded.

Which companies are exempt?

It is understood as large limited liability companies, companies that, in the previous fiscal year, had total assets greater than two hundred and forty million Brazilian Reais (BRL 240,000,000.00) or annual gross revenue greater than three hundred million Brazilian Reais (BRL 300,000,000.00).

The Administrative Rule retroacts its effects from the date of August 31, 2022, according to Jucesp Resolution No. 02/2022, of August 31, 2022, published in the DOE (State Official Gazette) on September 9, 2022, which suspended the effects of JUCESP Resolution No. 01/2022.

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