published on April 26, 2024

By Tatiana Fernandez

The deadline for health licensing of commercial establishments in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro ends on April 30th. This is a mandatory procedure that must be renewed every year, as established in the Health Surveillance, Zoonosis Surveillance, and Agricultural Inspection Code of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (Complementary Law 197/2018).

Which establishments need to have health licensing?

The Rio de Janeiro Health Surveillance Code divides establishments subject to health licensing into three categories:

1. Regulated Activities

Those carried out in places where products and consumer goods are extracted, produced, manufactured, transformed, processed, prepared, manipulated, purified, fractionated, packaged or repackaged, imported, exported, stored, dispatched, transported, bought, sold, transferred, or used (food, additives, beverages, water for human consumption, bottled or not, drugs, medicines, pharmaceutical supplies, correlates, products, and equipment of interest to health, cosmetics, beauty products, sanitizers, household cleaning products, hygiene items, and pesticides, among others) or where services of interest to health are provided; including all types of health care units, specialized or not, and other related activities.

Paragraph 3 of article 8 of Supplementary Law 197/2018 also expressly lists a series of other activities covered by the same condition, such as daycare centers, concert halls, clubs, hotels, shopping centers, stadiums, among others.

These establishments can only operate after issuing a Health Operating License (LSF).

2. Related activities

Those that must be controlled by the municipal health agency, considering the risks arising from environments and places of collective use, where any economic, commercial, industrial, and service activity is carried out by a legal entity in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. In other words, in practice, all others, of a permanent nature, that do not qualify as “regulated activity”.

In order to operate, these establishments must apply for a Health License for Related Activities (LSAR).

3. Transitory activities
Ancillary activities at events held in public or private areas, which involve, among other things, the sale of food and drink, emergency medical care, pet exhibitions, agricultural festivals, art shows and circuses.

In order to operate, these establishments must apply for a Health License for Transitional Activities (LSAT).

Validity term

The LSF and LSAR will be valid until April 30th of each year, and must be revalidated, upon expression of interest, until the last business day of the same month.

What are the penalties for those who do not regularize the situation?

Pursuant to Article 36, I, of Supplementary Law 197/2018, the operation of establishments without due regularization may result in the imposition of a fine and the closure of the location.

How to obtain a health license?

To obtain a health license, you need to request it through Carioca Digital’s portal.

PLBrasil Paralegal has qualified professionals and trained teams to provide you with all the support you need for this and any other type of license you need to establish and operate your company. It also offers its clients, through its Digital Platform, a HUB where all corporate documents and history are concentrated and permanently available, facilitating control and operation. It also offers its clients, through its Digital Platform, a HUB where all corporate documents and history are concentrated and permanently available, facilitating control and operation.

The PLBrasil Group is available to assist you with this and other obligations through the channels below:


+55 (11) 3292-5050

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