Bring your real estate property to compliance with us!

Bring your real estate property to compliance with us!

According to the Ministry of Integration and Development, about 50% of real estate properties in Brazil face some irregularity.

Countless factors lead to real estate properties becoming irregular in Brazil. One is the complexity and bureaucracy involved in regularizing and registering real estate.

Regularizing real estate registration provides the owner legal security of their rights over the property. This is especially relevant in commercial and financing transactions and operations involving guarantees because public records prove ownership and liens on the asset.

Regularize o seu imóvel conosco! Certidões Imobiliárias | Grupo PLBrasil

According to the Ministry of Integration and Development, about 50% of real estate properties in Brazil face some irregularity.

Countless factors lead to real estate properties becoming irregular in Brazil. One is the complexity and bureaucracy involved in regularizing and registering real estate.

Regularizing real estate registration provides the owner legal security of their rights over the property. This is especially relevant in commercial and financing transactions and operations involving guarantees because public records prove ownership and liens on the asset.

Regularize o seu imóvel conosco! Certidões Imobiliárias | Grupo PLBrasil

See why individuals and legal entities should regularize their properties



For individuals, regularizing real estate provides the peace of mind of owning a property legally without any pending issues. This avoids inconveniences, such as losing the asset due to irregularities found in documentation.

Legal Entities

Legal Entities

For companies, regularization is vital to ensure all operations are legal and avoid bureaucratic obstacles that may compromise business activities.

See why individuals and legal entities should regularize their properties



For individuals, regularizing real estate provides the peace of mind of owning a property legally without any pending issues. This avoids inconveniences, such as losing the asset due to irregularities found in documentation.

Legal Entities

Legal Entities

For companies, regularization is vital to ensure all operations are legal and avoid bureaucratic obstacles that may compromise business activities.

Why hire us?

ThePLBrasil Corporate Services offers specialized support, guides customers through all process stages, and ensures all legal requirements are met. Our professional’s experience and specific knowledge are vital to speed up the process and avoid complications.

Why hire us?

The PLBrasil Corporate Services offers specialized support, guides customers through all process stages, and ensures all legal requirements are met. Our professional’s experience and specific knowledge are vital to speed up the process and avoid complications.

Negative impact of real estate irregularities
dos Imóveis
por Terceiros
no Desenvolvimento
Comprometimento da
Segurança Social
Negative impact of real estate irregularities
of properties
Usurpation by
Third Parties
Difficulties in
Social Security

Count on the PLBrasil Group platform to manage your services

Our customers have a management platform for corporate services with expiration alerts, document storage and management, and other features that optimize demand management and control.

Plataforma Digital do Grupo PLBrasil

Count on the PLBrasil Group platform to manage your services

Our customers have a management platform for corporate services with expiration alerts, document storage and management, and other features that optimize demand management and control.

Plataforma Digital do Grupo PLBrasil


Learn more about all the corporate solutions we offer your business.

Registry Offices

Registration of powers of attorney, contracts, deeds of title and other documents within the entire Brazilian territory.

Due Diligence

Obtainment and regularization of registrations/licenses of companies involved in M&As.


We accredit your company to participate in bidding procedures of Banco do Brasil.


We accredit your company in the software to participate in public tenders.

Registration with Regional Councils

We help your company with registration with the Regional Council.

National Corporate Taxpayers Register (CNPJ) of Foreigners

Register obtainment and update before the Federal Revenue of Brazil.

Corporate Reorganization

We provide advisory services with review and registrations of spin-off, consolidation or merger corporate documents with the competent public bodies.

Business license

Issue of license authorizing the engagement in activities at the location of the head office or of your branches.


Learn more about all the corporate solutions we offer your business.

Registry Offices

Registration of powers of attorney, contracts, deeds of title and other documents within the entire Brazilian territory.

Due Diligence

Obtainment and regularization of registrations/licenses of companies involved in M&As.


We accredit your company to participate in bidding procedures of Banco do Brasil.


We accredit your company in the software to participate in public tenders.

Registration with Regional Councils

We help your company with registration with the Regional Council.

National Corporate Taxpayers Register (CNPJ) of Foreigners

Register obtainment and update before the Federal Revenue of Brazil.

Corporate Reorganization

We provide advisory services with review and registrations of spin-off, consolidation or merger corporate documents with the competent public bodies.

Business license

Issue of license authorizing the engagement in activities at the location of the head office or of your branches.