The Automated Permit is a service offered by JUCERJA (Junta Comercial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – the Commercial Registry of the State of Rio de Janeiro) for several years now, and it is currently available in all 92 municipalities of the state. It is an innovation made possible through the Integrated Registration System (REGIN), allowing entrepreneurs engaged in low-risk activities to issue the necessary documentation to start their business activities.

Through this tool, it is possible to quickly and simply obtain documents required by the three levels of public administration, such as: Articles of incorporation CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) state registration and municipal permits. Thus, there is no need for in-person visits to the various agencies responsible for issuing these authorizations. In a short time, it is possible to complete a bureaucratic procedure that, in most cases, would take months of waiting. In some cases, depending on the nature of the business, how the documentation is organized, and the operator’s familiarity with the system, the permit can be issued in as little as 40 minutes after the process is submitted.

Which companies can issue the Automated Permit?

Resolution COGIRE/JUCERJA No. 05/2020, dated October 27, 2020, classifies economic activities into three different risk levels: low, medium, and high.

Those classified as low risk are exempt from any public release act, whether it be a permit, license, authorization, permission, concession, or any other act required for the full and continuous operation of the establishment. Examples: Retail trade in general, repair and maintenance of equipment, educational institutions offices of self-employed professionals, bank branches and many others.

Those classified as medium risk, according to the same regulation, will have an automated permit issued after registration via REGIN, provided the entrepreneur accepts the self-declaration of responsibility. Examples: electrical installations and maintenance, vehicle sales, mini markets, grocery stores, warehouses, bakeries, educational establishments, beauty salons, gyms, funeral homes, among many others.

Therefore, medium- and low-risk activities are the direct and immediate beneficiaries of the automated permit system. In this regard, it is important to note that the latter, although exempt from any release permit, can still issue all other mandatory documents through the REGIN system (incorporation documents, CNPJ, and state registration).

As for the others, considered high risk, although they cannot issue an automated permit, they indirectly benefit from the expedited process for the other categories, since the system overall is less burdened. Even so, they can carry out the necessary procedures through the REGIN system, requesting the basic formalizations and authorizations from the Fire Department, Health Surveillance Agency, and the State Environment Institute.

Although automated, the process requires great attention

The term “automated” can lead to the mistaken assumption that the system can be operated without much care and that the permit can be obtained in minutes in any scenario. Operating the REGIN system incorrectly, however, can cause delays in processing time and even financial issues.

For instance, entering incorrect information about the total area of an establishment may generate a much higher fee than what is actually due. Therefore, it is essential to have qualified professionals and trained teams providing all the support needed for the registration required to establish and operate your company.

In addition to the company incorporation service, PLBrasil Paralegal offers, via a digital platform, a document HUB, where clients can track the progress of the services they have contracted and access corporate documents whenever they need them.

Stop wasting time on bureaucracy!

Request a quote now and speed up the incorporation of your company.

Stop wasting time on bureaucracy!

Request a quote now and speed up the incorporation of your company.

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